120: The Obstacle of Finding Wellness with Meghan Mueseler, Kate Wheeldon, and Alex Wheedenhoff

In our complex modern world, how do we pursue wellness and authenticity within the workplace, especially in rural communities? And how do we create a safe place to discuss mental health when deadlines and budgets are on the line? During this episode, Ashleyne sits down with Meghan Mueseler, Kate Wheeldon, and Alex Wheedenhoff, employees at Cargill, where efficiency, finance, and food safety are all obstacles to navigate when it comes to helping employees pursue wellness in the workplace. Through personal stories and explanations of Cargill's innovation, Ashleyne, Kate, and Meghan talk about anxiety, facial piercings, human-grade pet food, their favorite wellness resources, and more.

Books referenced:

Find Your People by Jennie Allen

The Five Minute Journal by Intelligent Change

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin


121: The Obstacle of Taking Risks with Kristin Glassburn


119: The Obstacle of Family Systems with Shilah Larison